alice in wonderland syndrome
- alice in wonderland syndrome
синдром "Алисы в стране чудес"
hyperactive child syndrome — синдром гиперактивности у детей
chediak higashi syndrome — синдром Чедиака-Штейнбринк-Хигаси
bobble head doll syndrome — синдром качающейся головы куклы
prune belly syndrome — синдром недостаточности мышц живота
gustatory sweating syndrome — аурикулотемпоральный синдром
English-Russian big medical dictionary.
Смотреть что такое "alice in wonderland syndrome" в других словарях:
Alice in Wonderland syndrome — (AIWS, named after the novel written by Lewis Carroll), also known as Todd s syndromecite book | last = Longmore | first = Murray | coauthors = Ian Wilkinson, Tom Turmezei, Chee Kay Cheung | title = Oxford Handbook of Clinicial Medicine |… … Wikipedia
Alice in Wonderland syndrome — Also known as Alice in Wonderland effect, Wonderland syndrome, and syndrome of Alice in Wonderland. The term syndrome of Alice in Wonderland was introduced in or shortly before 1955 by the British psychiatrist John Todd (1914 1987) to denote a … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Alice in Wonderland (disambiguation) — Alice in Wonderland may refer to: * Alice s Adventures in Wonderland , the most widely known and used title for the book written by Lewis CarrollIn film and television* Alice in Wonderland (1903 film), silent motion picture * Alice s Adventures… … Wikipedia
syndrome of alice in wonderland — see Alice in Wonderland syndrome … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Alice in Wonderland effect — see Alice in Wonderland syndrome … Dictionary of Hallucinations
wonderland syndrome — see Alice in Wonderland syndrome … Dictionary of Hallucinations
Works influenced by Alice in Wonderland — Lewis Carroll s books Alice s Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking Glass have continuously had a large cultural influence since they were published. Even today, Alice and the rest of Wonderland continue to inspire or influence many… … Wikipedia
Alice-im-Wunderland-Syndrom — Als Alice im Wunderland Syndrom wird ein Syndrom bezeichnet, bei dem Menschen sich selbst oder ihre Umgebung auf halluzinatorische Weise verändert wahrnehmen. Das Phänomen gilt nicht als eigene Krankheit, sondern tritt meist als… … Deutsch Wikipedia
syndrome — The aggregate of symptoms and signs associated with any morbid process, and constituting together the picture of the disease. SEE ALSO: disease. [G. s., a running together, tumultuous concourse; (in med.) a concurrence of symptoms, fr. syn,… … Medical dictionary
Lewis Carroll — Charles Lutwidge Dodgson Born 27 January 1832(1832 01 27) Daresbury, Halton, Cheshire, England Died … Wikipedia
Micropsia — An illustration depicting the symptoms of micropsia from Lewis Carroll s 1865 novel Alice s Adventures in Wonderland. ICD 10 H … Wikipedia